Papers/Technical Information

Others(Reference ducuments)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Fluorescent beads

K. Terada et al. (2014)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system

Uchida et al.(2014)

Highly Sensitive Liquid-Phase Detection of Biological Targets With Magnetic Markers and High Tc SQUID
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Volume: 24, Issue: 4, August 2014

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)

Ueda et al.(2014)

Performance of Filters in Medical Protein Separation System Using Superconducting Magnet
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (Volume: 24, Issue: 3, June 2014)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Chemical Biology General Remarks

V. Gupta et al. (2014)

Affinity Chromatographic Materials.
Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, DOI:10.1007 (2014).

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Phage display

Y. Tokunaga et al. (2014)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Avidin-biotin

Wei Gu et al.(2013)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)

Tsujita et al.(2013) [ExoCounter]

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system

Uchida et al.(2013)

Liquid-phase detection of biological targets with magnetic markers and high Tc SQUID
2013 IEEE 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC) DOI: 10.1109/ISEC.2013.6604304

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation

M. Oda et al. (2013)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Viral isolation

M.Arita. (2013)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Chemical Biology General Remarks

S. Sakamoto et al. (2012)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Chemical Biology General Remarks

M. Ueda. (2012)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)

Iizumu et al.(2010)

Affinity Magbetic Beads for Chemical Biology and Medicine
Surfactant science series volume 152, Colloids in biotechnology

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Chemical Biology General Remarks

S. Sakamoto et al. (2009)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Introduction of the screening system

N. Hanyu et al. (2009)

PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Preparation of protein solution

J. Dignam et al. (1983)

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