Others(Reference ducuments)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Exosome
Y. Kabe et al. (2019) [ExoCounter]
Application of high-performance magnetic nanobeads to biological sensing devices.
Aal. Bioanal. Chem., doi: 10.1007/s00216-018-1548-y (2019).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Immunostaining
T. Onishi et al. (2019)
Magnetically Promoted Rapid Immunofluorescence Staining for Frozen Tissue Sections
J. Histochem. Cytochem., Epub 2019 Apr 8
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Ito et al.(2018)
Application of affinity purification of drug target proteins with practical magnetic nanoparticles to drug development
Nanoscale Fabrication, Optimization, Scale-Up and Biological Aspects of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 2018, Pages 479-510
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Immunostaining
Sakamoto et al.(2018)
Fluorescent magnetic beads for medical diagnostics
IOP Publishing Ltd 2018 Pages 4-1 to 4-12
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Sharma et al.(2018)
Optical and magnetic detection of magnetic beads for medical diagnostics for point of care testing
IOP Publishing Ltd 2018 Pages 8-1 to 8-26
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Kubota et al.(2018)
Numerical Simulation on Behaviour of Magnetic Beads in Magnetic Filter for Medical Protein Screening System using High Gradient Magnetic Separation
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1054 (2018) 012085
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Ouyang et al.(2018)
Changes in gene expression in chronic allergy mouse model exposed to natural environmental PM2.5-rich ambient air pollution
Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 6326 (2018)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2018) [nSMOL]
Antibody drug quantitation in coexistence with anti-drug antibodies on nSMOL bioanalysis
Analytical Biochemistry 540–541 (2018) 30–37
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
T. Fujii et al. (2018)
A Novel Autoantibody against Plexin D1 in Patients with Neuropathic Pain
Ann. Neurol., 84, 200 (2018).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Exosome
SR Kristensen et al. (2018) [ExoCounter]
Blu-ray beyond music and movies—novel approach to diagnostics measuring specific extracellular vesicles
Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine 84 (2018) 3
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Phage display
S. Uematsu et al. (2018)
Combinatorially Screened Peptide as Targeted Covalent Binder:Alteration of Bait-Conjugated Peptide to Reactive Modifier
Bioconjugate Chem., 29, 1866 (2018)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
K. Enpuku et al. (2018)
Wash-free detection of C-reactive protein based on third-harmonic signal measurement of magnetic markers.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 57, 112, 090309 (2018).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2018) [nSMOL]
Recent advances in mass spectrometry-based approaches for proteomics and biologics: Great contribution for developing therapeutic antibodies
Pharmacology and Therapeutics 185, 147 (2018)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Iwamoto et al.(2018) [nSMOL]
Verification between Original and Biosimilar Therapeutic Antibody Infliximab Using nSMOL Coupled LC-MS Bioanalysis in Human Serum
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2018, 19, 495-505
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Exosome
Y. Kabe et al. (2018) [ExoCounter]
Development of a Highly Sensitive Device for Counting the Number of Disease-Specific Exosomes in Human Sera
Clinical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2018.291963 (2018).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Iwamoto et al.(2018) [nSMOL]
Application of nSMOL coupled with LC‐MS bioanalysis for monitoring the Fc‐fusion biopharmaceuticals Etanercept and Abatacept in human serum
Pharmacol Res Perspect. 2018;e00422
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Ohmuro-Matsuyama et al.(2018)
Evaluation of protein-ligand interactions using the luminescent interaction assay FlimPIA with streptavidin-biotin linkage
Analytical Biochemistry 563 (2018) 61-66
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
Enpuku et al.(2017)
Biosensing utilizing magnetic markers and superconducting quantum interference devices
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 053002 (2017)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Vialaret et al.(2017) [nSMOL]
What sample preparation should be chosen for targeted MS monoclonal antibody quantification in human serum?
Bioanalysis. 2018 May 1;10(10):723-735
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Photoaffinity beads
Y. Nishiya et al. (2017)
A new efficient method of generating photoaffinity beads for drug target identification
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 27, 834 (2017).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2017) [nSMOL]
LC–MS bioanalysis of Trastuzumab and released emtansine usingnano-surface and molecular-orientation limited (nSMOL) proteolysisand liquid–liquid partition in plasma of Trastuzumabemtansine-treated breast cancer patients
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 145 (2017) 33–39
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Matsumaru et al.(2017) [nSMOL]
The 8th Japan Bioanalysis Forum symposium
Bioanalysis (2017) 9(22), 1733–1737
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)FD-LC-MS/MS
K. Nakata et al. (2017)
A proteomics method using immunoaffinity fluorogenic derivatization-liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (FD‐LC‐MS/MS) to identify a set of interacting proteins.
Biomedical Chromatography, DOI: 10.1002/bmc.4063 (2017).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Chiu et al.(2017) [nSMOL]
Development of an LC-MS/MS method with protein G purification strategy for quantifying bevacizumab in human plasma.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Chemiluminescence imaging
Y. Inoue et al. (2017)
Quenched Electrochemiluminescence Imaging using Electro-Generated Substrate for Sensitive Detection of Catalase as Potential Enzyme Reporter System.
Electrochimica Acta., 240, 447 (2017)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
S. Tsubota et al. (2017)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
Yoshida et al.(2016)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al.(2016) [nSMOL]
Validated LC/MS Bioanalysis of Rituximab CDR Peptides Using Nanosurface and Molecular-Orientation Limited (nSMOL) Proteolysis
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 39, 1187–1194 (2016)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2016) [nSMOL]
Validated LC–MS/MS analysis of immune checkpoint inhibitorNivolumab in human plasma using a Fab peptide-selectivequantitation method: nano-surface and molecular-orientation limited(nSMOL) proteolysis
Journal of Chromatography B, 1023-1024 (2016) 9–16
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)
Ura et al.(2016)
Improved Liquid-Phase Detection of Biological Targets Based on Magnetic Markers and High-Critical-Temperature Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E99-C No.6 pp.669-675
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
A. Kimura et al. (2016)
N-Myristoylation of the Rpt2 subunit of the yeast 26S proteasome is implicated in the subcellular compartment?specific protein quality control system
Journal of Proteomics, 130, 33 (2016)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al.(2016) [nSMOL]
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
Ura et al.(2016)
New Detection Method of Biological Targets Based on HTS SQUID and Magnetic Marker
IEEE Xplore: 18 January 2016
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
M. Takeshita et al. (2016)
Alteration of matrix metalloproteinase-3 O-glycan structure as a biomarker for disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis Research & Therapy, 18, 112 (2016).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2016) [nSMOL]
Application of nano-surface and molecular-orientation limited proteolysis to LC?MS bioanalysis of cetuximab.
Bioanalysis, 8, 1009 (2016).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2016) [nSMOL]
Fully validated LCMS bioanalysis of Bevacizumab in human plasma using nano-surface and molecular-orientation limited (nSMOL) proteolysis
Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 31, 46 (2016).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Phage display
M. Taki et al. (2016)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Fluorescent beads
J. Sharma et al. (2016)
Fast and sensitive medical diagnostic protocol based on integrating circular current lines for magnetic washing and optical detection of fluorescent magnetic nanobeads.
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Researc, 9, 7 (2016).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Viral isolation
M. Arita et al. (2015)
Development of an efficient entire-capsid-coding-region amplification method for direct detection of poliovirus from stool extracts
J. Clin. Microbiol., 53, 73 (2015).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
Y. Atsumi et al. (2015)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
Iwamoto et al.(2015) [nSMOL]
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
S. Yamauchi et al. (2015)
Opt2 mediates the exposure of phospholipids during cellular adaptation to altered lipid asymmetry
J Cell Sci (2015) 128 (1): 61–69.
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
S. Masaki et al. (2015)
Identification of the Specific Interactors of the Human Lariat RNA Debranching Enzyme 1 Protein
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 16, 3705 (2015).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Development of a fluorescent probe
Y. Suzuki, A. Kuno, Y. Chiba. (2015)
Development of fluorescent probes for “On-Off” switching baseddetection of lectin?saccharide interactions.
Sens. Actuators B., 220, 389 (2015).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Immunostaining
H. Shirasawa et al. (2015)
Novel method for immunofluorescence staining of mammalian eggs using noncontact alternating-current electric-field mixing of microdroplets.
Scientific Reports, 5:15371 (2015).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Avidin-biotin
Yuqin Wang et al.(2015)
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Fluorescent beads
S. Sakamoto et al. (2014)
Magnetically Promoted Rapid Immunoreactions Using Functionalized Fluorescent Magnetic Beads:A Proof of Principle
Clinical Chemistry, 60:4 (2014).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Use for measurement system
Enpuku et al.(2014)
Liquid-phase immunoassay utilizing binding reactions between magnetic markers and targets in the presence of a magnetic field
Applied Physics Express, Volume 7, Number 9 (2014) 097001
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Using the antibody-immobilized beads/Immunoprecipitation
K. Takahashi et al. (2014)
Functional Analysis of Light-harvesting-like Protein 3 (LIL3) and Its Lightharvesting Chlorophyll-binding Motif in Arabidopsis
J. Biol. Chem., 289, 987 (2014).
- PapersOthers(Reference ducuments)Limited proteolysis
N. Iwamoto et al. (2014) [nSMOL]